About Us

Based out of Sandwich, Kent, Risk Protection Solutions provides expert, professional and technical risk management consultancy services.

This range of services we deliver will provide you with a single source solution to help protect your company's people, property, assets, operations, the environment and reputation.

Our approach to achieving this is probably best summed up by our company name:


We understand that tolerence levels towards business risk can vary. We work with you to identify the significant risks to your business, our interpretation of risk is always realistic. 


We understand that the continuity of your business is a key priority. That’s why Risk Protection Solutions offer competent and pragmatic advice and guidance to help you protect what’s important to you in line with current legislative requirements.


One size does not fit all - we recognise that solutions have to be tailored around your business needs.

 © Risk Protection Solutions 2021. All rights reserved. The Risk Protection Solutions Ltd logo and Business Resilience Portfolio Logo are Trademarks of Risk Protection Solutions Ltd