Training Courses

We do not think of training as a stand alone package of theory.  

We work to the principle that training is an integral component of the building blocks to successful Health and Safety Management.  

When linked to risk identification and safe operating procedures or systems, it helps to shape the planing and implementation platform you need to proactively control your risks, respond to change and maintain a positive outlook and workplace culture.

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Our courses have been designed to provide 3 key benefits to the client:

1) Knowledge

2) Development 

3) Engagement

Together, these will help to ensure the commitment is established within your organisation to enable you to manage workplace Health and Safety with as much vigour, and with an equivalent level of competency, as you would ensure for any other aspect of your business.  

Our training portfolio currently has 2 chapters:

The Trainer

Our training courses are developed, and delivered by a CMIOSH Safety Practitioner.  We have experience of delivering training in a range of organisations within the UK, and Europe, including Global Fortune 500 companies, Government Bodies, Local Authorities and Education Authorities.

The trainer is a discipline expert with proven technical knowledge of the subject they are teaching.  In addition, and equally important to you and the success of your training outcome, is that they have a wealth of experience which is born from practical application of the subject matter in the real world.

This means that we are also able to tailor the training and learning experience to suit your business.

Here is a small sample of the positive feedback we have received after recent courses/workshops:

"The Instructor was excellent - demonstrated knowledge of the subject & was able to motivate participation  (Risk Assessment Course) - Director, Global Biotech, Kent 


"Adele is by far the best trainer I have encountered.  Thank you for your valued input.  Your style as trainer was first class. Engendered learning"  (Manual Handling Assessor Course) - Senior Officer, UK Border Force, St Pancras. 

"Excellent Presentation, from highly skilled facilitator” (Manual Handling Assessor Course) - Officer, UK Border Force, Folkestone


" … really enjoyed the session completely. All the topics were excellently described and explained. Highly appreciated"  (CoSHH Awareness, IOSH Conference) - Eye care Professional, Southampton



“All of the course was beneficial. It was mixed theory and practical with all relevant content. Trainer created a comfortable learning atmosphere and was very knowledgeable - many thanks”

“Very well delivered event with good balance of humour and serious input.  Knowledgeable and approachable trainer”

Manual Handling course - Home Office.


“The course itself was well executed.  The course leader was engaging and interesting.” (NHS Dentist, Kent) 

“Thoroughly enjoyed the 4 days! (NHS Occupational Therapist, Kent) 

IOSH Managing Safely course - East Kent University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

The Venue:

We will run our  training courses at your premises.  

This means there will be less impact to your business because there is less time away from the "day job".  With the lack of costly travel and accommodation issues associated with sending your employees off site for training eliminated, it's one less obstacle to improving the competency of all employees across your entire organisation.

For more details about the courses and to book, simply contact us and we'll do the rest.

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