Competent Person Support

Guidance from Regulation 7 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 provides guidance about accessing competent Health and Safety assistance:

“When seeking competent assistance employers should look to appoint one or more of their employees, with the necessary means, or themselves, to provide the health and safety assistance required. If there is no relevant competent worker in the organisation or the level of competence is insufficient to assist the employer in complying with health and safety law, the employer should enlist an external service or person. In some circumstances a combination of internal and external competence might be appropriate, recognising the limitations of the internal competence.”

Within this capacity Risk Protection Solutions Ltd can undertake this advisory role for you. In addition to providing dedicated time on site working directly for you, we will also be on call for help and advice by telephone and e-mail throughout the contracted period.

Contact us to discuss how we can tailor this support service to your business needs.

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