Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres & ATEX

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ATEX is the name commonly given to the framework for controlling explosive atmospheres and the standards of equipment and protective systems used in them.  

In the UK DSEAR puts duties on employers and the self-employed to protect people from risks to their safety from fires, explosions and similar events in the workplace, this includes members of the public who may be put at risk by work activity.  

Do you have any flammable or explosive materials at your site? Whether you store them, process them or dispose of them you need to understand where you generate flammable or explosive atmospheres.  Can you eliminate the risk? If not, you will need control and mitigation measures to prevent flammable/explosive air mixtures forming and being ignited with catastrophic consequences.  

We can assist you to establish a DSEAR/ATEX management system including explosion Protection Portfolios incorporating your Basis of Safety, qualitative Hazardous Area Classification Assessment to identify zones for dusts, vapours and liquids which will help you draft your zoning drawings and DSEAR Operational Risk Assessments.

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