Accident / Incident Investigation & Root Cause Analysis

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Whilst we should strive towards an Accident/Incident free workplace the reality is that things do still go wrong.  The likelihood and severity of your Accidents/Incidents can be much reduced if you operate under suitable and sufficient EHS Risk Management Systems, but when something bad does happen you need to understand why it happened and more importantly what you can do to prevent a reoccurrence.

Having a positive EHS Culture will encourage your workforce to report not only Accidents/Incidents, but also Near-Misses.

Investigation and subsequent establishment of the root cause, or lowest denominator failing, which contributed to the Accident/Incident is essential if you are going to avoid superficial finger pointing and a damaging "blame culture".  

Risk Protection Solutions can run investigations for you as well as assist you to establish good internal systems to support proactive reporting including essential investigation awareness for your staff.

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