Health and Safety Technical Discipline Training Courses

Risk Assessment:

This course is designed to provide students, with a practical awareness of why Risk Assessments (RA) are done and the value they bring to the planning elements of a successful Health and Safety Management System.

This course will enable the student to lead or participate in the completion of workplace Risk Assessment. 

Audit & Inspection:

This course will provide students, with a practical awareness of what an Audit and an inspection are with respect to Health and Safety Management Systems.

It will look at why Audits and Inspections are done and relate this to the idea of “Active Monitoring” systems and the value such activities bring to the ongoing successful performance of a H&S Management System.

To enable the student to lead or participate in the completion of an internal workplace Health and Safety Audit and/or Inspection. 

Accident & Incident Reporting and Investigation:

This course is designed to provide students, with a practical awareness of why it is important to report and investigate Accidents and Near Misses in the workplace. The format of the course includes group exercises and a case study to help reinforce the learnings.

Through this course we will explore the concepts of:

  • A ‘Reactive Monitoring System” 
  • How events, such as, Accidents and Near Misses contribute to the Corporate Memory.
  • How the information gathered in an investigation can be used to reinforce key safety messages.

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (CoSHH) Awareness:

If you handle substances in your workplace which have the potential to cause adverse health effects, then it is absolutely essential that you get competent advice on how to use them safely.  Getting good hazard data about these substances is a great starting point, but do you know how to interpret the information provided?  You have a duty to ensure the risk of exposure is assessed and suitably controlled.  In this course we will explore what the law requires including how to complete a COSHH assessment. 

This course will make sure you have all the information you need to prevent COSHH incidents and, if they do occur, how best to deal with them.    

Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres (DSEAR) Awareness:

In addition to health effects associated with materials you come across or generate in the workplace, you also need to understand the risks posed by Dangerous Substances used at work. These include substances that could cause fires and explosions or similar events, such as thermal run away chemical reactions.  

This course will consider the duties under the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 (DSEAR).  This will included exploring what constitutes a Dangerous Substance and how to assess, prevent or control the risks from handling them in a workplace.

Manual Handling Awareness/Assessors:

Injuries caused by improper Manual Handling activities are still one of the main causes of absence from work and result in unnecessary suffering and pain. This course will help explain how such injuries and ill health can happen and how they can be avoided.  The techniques for risk assessing Manual Handling activities will be explained and reinforced through practical group exercises.

Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Awareness/Assessors:

Nearly all of us use Display Screen Equipment at work as well as at home.  The potential risks associated with poorly set up workstations and lack of planning can result in ill health.  Musculoskeletal disorders continue to account for a substantial part of the new work related conditions reported in the UK every year. 

This course will help the DSE User risk assess their workstations and raise awareness of correct set up and DSE use.

Fire Safety Awareness: 

Raising awareness of fire safety in the workplace is vital for the life safety of all staff, regardless of their role in an organisation.  This course provides an introduction to key topics associated with fire safety.  

Those who attend will be made aware of the requirements and duties within key fire safety legislation, understand how fires occur and spread, what can be done to prevent them and the actions that may save lives in your workplace.

To find more about these courses, including the costs and to discuss dates for delivery etc, please contact us.

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